Doing what's interesting and good

Now I'm in Nicaragua as an international cooperation staff. I'll be working here for 2 years.

Why did I come here all the way from Japan, abandoning good job, leaving family and risking my life a little bit?

I have had two philosophy.

1: Do what's INTERESTING
2: Do what's GOOD

Firstly, I want to do what's interesting. I think it's the very source of my energy.

Takahashi Naoko, the gold medalist of female marathon in Sydney olympic, said
"I love running so much. I love it so much that I can't stop running. Practicing for the race itself was really enjoyable."
She ran the day after the race too.

To be "insanely great", I need to do something that I love. Love for the object is the source of competitiveness, I believe.

If I don't love it and keep doing it reluctantly, I can be "so so" but never "insanely great."

For me, learning foreign culture including language and assimilating myself into it are what I have loved.

In the world where the globalization is proceeding, global "understanding" will be necessary, I believe.

I thought I could contribute to that area.
I thought I can be "great" in this area, if not "insanely great."

For that, I chose to come here.
Working here cooperating with local people is more INTERESTING than working in Japanese, I thought.

Surely, my challenge starts from here thought.

Secondly, I want to do what's good.

This is a difficult theme because the definition of being GOOD differs from people to people.
Good thing for him may not be a good thing for her as I wrote the other day.

But, therefore, I wanted to have time to think about 'What is being good."

Coming to Nicaragua and teaching people Japanese-way of development is a good thing? What is "positive impact" for the world? What should I do if my decision benefits the majority and harm the minority?

There are lots of things to think about.

Maybe there is no one absolute answer. But still, I would like to keep thinking about it and take action even if it's a little action.

For me, working here was a "better" action. It seems like working here as a cooperation staff is not a BAD thing at least.

Whether I can make it a GOOD action all depends on what I will be doing here.