Entries from 2017-01-01 to 1 year

知らない事すら知らない事はどれくらいあるのか。 〜哲学とマネジメント〜

僕はずーっと自分は社会不適合者だと思ってきましたが(”社会不適合者”の定義はさておき)、どんな風の吹き回しか、今、とあるベンチャー企業で経営に携わっています。そしてそれが意外と楽しい。 自分が社会不適合者だと思っていた理由は、哲学について考え…

What "Overfitting" implies for our own learning practices.

I'm not a specialist in Machine Learning at all but interested in it and have read books about it. 人工知能はどのようにして 「名人」を超えたのか?―――最強の将棋AIポナンザの開発者が教える機械学習・深層学習・強化学習の本質作者: 山本一成出版社/…

To think deeply; How, Why and What

I feel like many people are good at asking HOW questions. How to make money?How to learn a new language?How to get married? Then, we ask WHY? Why do I need money?Why do I have to learn a new language?Why marry? But to think deeply, I think…

Machine Learning is not about Machine but about Learning

It seems like many people think that machine learning is about machine. But this book changed my view; machine learning is about learning.The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World作者: Pedr…

"Less is more" in workplaces

Now I work for a small startup. A small startup always has resource constraint and needs to think about where to allocate scarce resource. On the other hand, when I was working for a big transnational corporation, there was enough budget. …

Side effect of stable society

The other day, when I was talking to my friend, she said "I believe in money but not in people. Why? Because people might betray you but money does not." I think this is reasonable. But only when the value of money is relatively stable. Si…

Epistemology in Workplaces

Donald Rumsfeld, when he was asked if there was an evidence of Iraq owning weapons of mass destruction, said, "there are things that we know,there are things that we know that we don't knowand there are things that we don't know that we do…

話の聞き方 その②

ずーーーっと前に、「話の聞き方」というタイトルで記事を書きましたが、なぜかふとその第2弾を思いついたので、久しぶりにこのテーマについて書きます。 さて、僕は社会人1年目の時に、上司に謝罪を求めた事があります。それは飲み会で無理矢理飲まされそ…


強くなるには二つの方法がある気がします。 一つはめちゃめちゃ固くなる事。パンチされてもびくともしないくらい固くなる事。壁の様になること。 もう一つは、めちゃめちゃ柔らかくなる事。パンチされても何も感じないくらい柔らかくなる事。水の様になるこ…

