How we see the world (written in English)

When I was a university student, I travelled a lot and realized that studying makes my trip more interesting.

Studying about the history of the country I go to makes the trip more vivid and real.
By collecting the current information about the country I go to, I can have a profound view of the country and that makes the trip more interesting.

Since what we perceive depends on what we get from the external world and what we have inside ourselves, making the inner world richer enriches our perception, I thought.

Therefore, I started reading books and studying.

Basically, that stance has not changed so far.

However, recently, I also think in a different way.

Aren't we forming the image of external world "ACCORDING TO" the knowledge that we learned before about the external world?

In other words, aren't we restricting our possibility of perception by cramming lots of knowledge inside us?

I realized this when I came to Nicaragua.

Before I came to Nicaragua, I had a lot of information about the country through books and talking to those who used to live there.
I had a clear impression about Nicaragua before I arrive here.

When I arrived here, I realized myself confirming the information that I have had.

"oh, this is what the book was saying"
"ah---, what he was saying was correct"

but after a while, I started thinking

”aren't I just focusing on what I know about Nicaragua and ignoring what I don't?”
"aren't I overlooking what's more interesting?"
"isn't there something that I can FEEL without knowing anything?"

"Because I have the information A about the object, the object looks like A"
"I form the image of the object according to what I have read and learned before I see the object"

These are what I want to say.

It means that without any pre-informed knowledge about one object, the object could seem completely different from what we see now.

So, maybe, both are interesting:
1:studying a lot about one country and having a lot of insights about the situation.
2:studying nothing about one country and enjoy what we feel without any pre-informed knowledge.