Sometimes, Creativity comes from Oppression.

Put water in a container and boil it.

If the container is not covered with a lid, the water just spills over the container when it is boiled.

But if the container is covered with a lid and the water is pressured inside the container for a while, then it will spurt out of the container when it boils. The water reaches to a high point.

The more water is pressured, the higher water reaches.

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"Creativity comes from oppression."

Whenever I feel depressed, I remember this saying.

First, I did not like this saying because it could be abused by people in power.

I thought that it is just an excuse of people in power to oppress people.

And I still think so. People should not be oppressed because of some selfish reasons of people in power.

However, I also think that this is sometimes true.

When I was in high school, I was severely depressed and even thought about killing myself. I really did not understand the point of living on.

I did not understand why I had to live to meet other people's expectation, following the rail of the society and doing what's told.

I was mentally sick for a long time, about two years.

But when I seriously thought about dying, I realized that there was nothing to loose anymore, supposing that I was dead once.

I stopped meeting other people's expectation and concentrated on what I want to do. Actually, I did not even know what I really wanted to do because I was not educated to do what I was passionate about. I just knew how to follow what's told.

I needed to start from looking for what I can be passionate about.

But anyways, I completely stopped doing what I did not like.

Gradually, I started finding what I can be passionate about.

And now, I have so many things that I want to do in my life. I did not know that life could be this colorful and creative.

I learned that I can create my life as if I draw a painting. Everyday is a touch of painting and every touch is what forms my artwork. Life is an artwork.

I learned that I can be creative, maybe because I was depressed and oppressed.

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So maybe, if you are feeling like you are down, that might be a chance to be a bit creative.

Now, it's time for me to be a bit creative too.

What crazy thing can I do next? What creative thing can I do, not meeting other people's expectation and surprising them?

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You cannot jump high if you do not bend your knees down deeply.