When the Ideology becomes Truth (English)

In the last article, I wrote that number is objective and it is a shared language of human beings.

But WAS that?

Mathematics is now a study of complete logic. It is not an ideological matter. There is no room for emotion to get in.

The theory of Pythagoras is TRUE and will be TRUE forever.

However, once, mathematics was an ideology.

Here is the story. (from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippasus)

"The discovery of irrational numbers is said to have been shocking to the Pythagoreans, and Hippasus is supposed to have drowned at sea, apparently as a punishment from the gods"

Irrational numbers surely exist, as everybody knows.

But the existence of irrational numbers was unfavorable for mathematicians in those days and he was punished to death.

Mathematics was once a problem of ideology and politics.

In other words, ideology could turn into truth in the future.

In our world, there are always conflicts between ideologies.

Right and left, freedom and equality, liberal and conservative, innovation and tradition etc etc...

But one day, some of these may become "Truth" and there will be no room to discuss those.

And someday, maybe, the ideology itself will disappear, though I don't know if it's a good thing or not.