After Rain Comes Fair Weather (English)

Here in Costa Rica, rainy season is almost over. Im happy. I don't like rain.

During the rainy season, I was feeling a bit stressed out and told my friend about it. (Im always like this in rainy seasons. Its normal, so dont worry, nothing serious, hahaha!!)

He said, "That's good. It means you are nurturing yourself."

He said, people develop themselves when they are having hard time.


Nobody wants to have hard time. Hard time is something that we try to avoid.

We do not want to have inner conflict. It is tiring and energy consuming.

However, it seems like it is inevitable to some extent if we want to go deep inside ourselves.

When we go deep into ourselves, we find contradictions and tensions inside us. First, we are stressed out because of that.

But we struggle to find solutions and finally overcome it. Well, hopefully.

That's how we find ourselves.


We do not have to go too deep inside ourselves to the extent that we become completely stressed out and depressed.

But sometimes, maybe, it is not a bad thing to have internal conflict to explore ourselves.


How about external world?

Maybe, the same thing can be said.

Conflict is not what we should avoid.

What's important is how to face it.