
Machine Learning is not about Machine but about Learning

It seems like many people think that machine learning is about machine. But this book changed my view; machine learning is about learning.The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World作者: Pedr…

Humor for Public Policy!!

I like having fun. I like having sense of humor whenever and wherever I am. But sometimes, bringing sense of humor into work places or academia is considered to be immoral and sinful. Or it's just not welcomed because people think that I'm…

Democracy and Internet (English)

Now I am studying Masters degree.The other day, one of my teachers said "please note that Wikipedia is not considered to be a valid information source, as all you guys know." Of course I knew that. Almost all universities around the world …

パッチワークの重要さ 〜オーダーメイドの解決策〜

日本にいた時は、ある会社のITの部署で働いていました。 その時に覚えた単語の一つに「パッチワーク」というものがあります。 これは、基本的に、ネガティブな単語として使われていました。 それは「根本的な原因を追求せずに、場当たり的な対応ばかりしてい…